In life we should all aim to be as healthy and happy as we can be.
Being healthy allows you to enjoy life to the fullest.
There are a number of steps you can take to better your health.
Find out the 5 Steps to Better Health.
- Enjoy healthy foods and drinks – it is important to maintain a nutritious diet as this helps your body grow and develop. A diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables helps protect against diseases such as heart disease or diabetes.
- Exercise regularly and be active- physical exercise helps maintain your level of fitness and health. Try to walk for at least 30 minutes daily!
- Remember to get some ‘RnR’- Rest and Relaxation is very important as it helps revitalize and recondition your mind, body and spirit.
- Be Sun smart – slip, slop, slap! Also keep an eye out for shady areas and have some sunglasses handy. Make sure you get your skin checked for any dark spots or a change in size and shape.
- No smoking – if you haven’t smoked tobacco then don’t start. If you do smoke – quit! Organisations such as Quitline are a good source of support.
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