I was out to lunch the other day with a girlfriend of mine who after a very nasty break up has finally got back into the swing of dating. Every time we catch up she always has the funniest stories about her dates. One common element to all of these stories however is the lack of chivalry displayed by her dates.
Is chivalry really dead or has it just drifted away with the times?
I have always believed that chivalry is more to do with politeness and courtesy towards women and less to do with opening doors and pulling seats out (I can do that on my own thank you very much). When you think about it too much it can be quite corny.
As a relationship develops and the comfort levels between a couple grows those sweet gestures tend to fade away. I remember back to when my partner and I first started dating he would always walk closest to the road in order to protect me from any splashes from motorist driving past …now he steals my pillows when I sleep!!
With the long weekend soon upon us I challenge all men to act more chivalrous and in fact, to all women I also challenge you to do something sweet for your man.