I filled up the car this afternoon and paid the usual $1.35 a litre for fuel, I brought a loaf of bread ($4.35) and a diet coke ($4.10). Total transaction $117.
I remember back when I first got my license petrol was just 79c a litre. Come to think of it, I remember when a diet coke was a $1.80 and bread was under $2.
When was the last time you looked in your trolley and was satisfied what you bought really felt it was worth what you paid for it? With a new tax here and there, in addition to manufacturers covering their increasing costs with price rises etc where does it stop? What is a loaf of bread going to cost in 10 years time? Is petrol going to top the $3 a litre mark? Don’t think I’ll be drinking diet coke anymore!
This is something I am genuinely concerned about. Everyone is trying to get ahead one way or another but I’m not sure that’s enough. There’s got to be more than just paying the mortgage as fast as you can, not splashing out on things you don’t need and turning everything off at the power point when you’re not using it.
Are you also concerned about the future of everyday living? And what are you doing about it today?