I don’t know about you but my daily commute back and forth from work can be one of the most stressful parts of my day. If it isn’t spent dodging Cadell Evans inspired cyclists who clearly need lessons on road safety rules, or avoiding pot holes that could engulf an entire entourage of vehicles, I’m stuck at the lights hoping and praying I get to work before my boss does. Why does traffic cause so much stress in our lives???
Sadly the whole situation has a ripple effect on my home life, my patience is thin and I’m on edge which doesn’t play for a happy mummy or wife. All I want to do is enjoy a nice glass of chardonnay run a nice long bath and forget about my day. Unfortunately this is easier said than done. In between cooking dinner, entertaining my daughter, bathing and bedtime, I have very little time to myself. By the time I get my nightly chores done all I want is some alone time to unwind for the day. Unfortunately this is easier said than done. My husband is the same, he spends up to an hour and a half battling traffic both ways, and by the time he walks in the door he is in a very similar state. To be honest I think he’s hatred for traffic is worse than mine, poor thing.
To start with all motorways and freeways should be built with a minimum of 4 lanes and that all slow drivers be required to commute between the hours of 8:30 to 9:30.Put forward your solution to decrease your commute time to work.