To the man I question constantly, bitch about consistently and give the evil eye too everyday – I’m sorry.
The lifts at work are on the fritz once again, and although they have replaced the doors, the cabling and some of the aesthetics, they are still the same old crappy lifts. Not only have we had people stuck in the lifts, the lift’s are either out of service, stuck between floors, go up when they are suppose to go down, and go down when they are suppose to go up. Honestly how hard is it to fix the damn thing!!
Honestly how many attempts at fixing something do you need before you’re classified as incompetent? I certainly wouldn’t want the job of the lift repairman aka the most hated man in the entire building. This got me thinking, he couldn’t be the only one to have a job where people hate you straight off the bat. Parking inspectors for one are a good example. How is it that someone ends up in an unpopular profession?